POLICY Statement

January 17, 2023: ATFL Applauds Members Of Congress For Condemning The Obstruction Of Democratic Processes In Lebanon

January 17, 2023

Washington, DC, January 17th, 2023, the American Task Force on Lebanon (ATFL), a leadership organization of Americans of Lebanese descent, applauds the bipartisan Co-Chairs of the Congressional US-Lebanon Friendship Caucus for their condemnation of the obstruction of democratic processes in Lebanon as well as the continued presidential vacancy and lack of any meaningful investigation into the August 2020 Port explosion.

On January 13th, 2023, US Representatives Debbie Dingell (D-MI), Darrell Issa (R-CA), and Darin LaHood (R-IL) sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen urging them to utilize, “additional diplomatic tools to hold responsible those who are continuing to obstruct democratic processes in Lebanon, [making clear] the expectations of the international community on Lebanon, including timely and representative Presidential elections by the Parliament to support the ongoing needs of the people of Lebanon.”

The bipartisan Co-Chairs also drew particular attention to the lack of judicial independence in Lebanon and the urgent need for progress on the investigation into the August 2020 Port explosion, as demanded by the Lebanese people who are deserving of justice, which has been obstructed by the political leaders who continue to delay and evade accountability.

“In the 78 days that have passed in vain without a new president, Lebanon’s political stalemate is causing severe, unnecessary pain on its own people,” said ATFL President and CEO Ed Gabriel. “ATFL continues to call for the rule of law, judicial independence, and due process in the Port of Beirut Explosion investigation. We call on the Lebanese parliament to carry out their solemn responsibilities by electing a reform-minded president who will support the needs of the Lebanese people.”

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