June Thu, 2023
The Hon. John E. Sununu
John E. Sununu has been a director since April 2009. Senator Sununu served as a U.S. Senator from New Hampshire from 2003 to 2009. He was a member of the […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Donna Shalala
Donna Shalala served as U.S. representative for Florida's 27th Congressional District from 2019-2021. Previously, Shalala had served as the United States secretary of health and human services under President Bill […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Nick J. Rahall
The Honorable Nick Joe Rahall, IIFormer Congressman Nick. J. Rahall is Senior Adviser at Cassidy and Associates in Washington. D.C. As a Former U.S. Representative, Nick Rahall represented West Virginia’s […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Ray LaHood
The Hon. Ray LaHoodRay LaHood is the former US Department of Transportation Secretary. With a 36-year career in public service, Secretary LaHood has extensive experience on major national policy issues, […]
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June Thu, 2023
Gen. George A. Joulwan, Ret.
General George A. Joulwan (Ret.) has served as a director since July 2013. General Joulwan’s distinguished military career spans 36 years from 1961 to his retirement in 1997. In 1998 […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Charles W. Boustany
Honorable Charles Boustany, Jr., M.D.Dr. Charles Boustany, Jr. is a former Congressman (R-LA) and prominent heart surgeon, and now a partner with Capitol Counsel, LLC. During his 12 years in […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Alex M. Azar II
Alex Azar has extensive healthcare experience in the senior-most levels of the U.S. government and the private sector that gives him a unique perspective and background. He has committed his […]
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June Thu, 2023
The Hon. Spencer Abraham
Spencer Abraham is Chairman and CEO of The Abraham Group, an international strategic consulting firm based in Washington, DC and is a Senior Advisor at Blank Rome Government Relations. After […]
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June Thu, 2023
Gen. John P. Abizaid, Ret.
General John P. Abizaid is a retired US Army four-star General, who most recently served as the United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He served as the […]
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Annual Dinner
May 14
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